
The Crime Stoppers Board of Directors and Volunteers are dedicated individuals from across PE1 with a goal "to make Prince Edward Island communities a safer place to live and conduct business". Over the sixteen year period of the program the positive results continue to grow and as the public becomes more informed our success stories continue to grow. Under the guidance of the Board of Directors we have developed a Student Crime Stoppers program in Island High Schools as well as developed active partnerships with the department of Fisheries and Oceans, O'Leary Wildlife Federation, PEI Shellfish Association, Family and Social Services, Tourist Industry Association of PEI (TIAPEI) and recently with the Confederation Trail, to name a few. We are continuing to examine other areas where we can serve the community. This publication is intended to inform the public about the Crime Stoppers program on PEI and how individuals and groups can best utilize the program.
In 2004 we were pleased to produce "Crime of the Week" productions with Global Television featuring major unsolved crime cases on PEI. Global has expressed interest in continuing this partnership into the future. The productions are one minute long and each one will run several times a day on Global Television. We continue to air unsolved crimes on Magic 93, CFCY, CHTN and C102 on a regular basis with excellent results. Island daily newspapers continue to support our program as well as a number of weekly and monthly publications. The support of the media remains a vital link in getting our message out as well as obtaining information on unsolved crimes.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers who have helped us in the past and hope you continue to support us in the future! I am proud to be a part of this Crime Stoppers Team!
Paul Stetson
P.E.I. Crime Stoppers
Email: stetson@peicrimestoppers.pe.ca
Program Co-ordinator's Duties For Crime Stoppers |
The Co-ordinator should be a person who is outgoing, friendly, enjoys working with people,
and is not adverse to working long hours. The key to the relationship between Law Enforcement and the
Volunteer Board is the communication skills of the Program Coordinator.
The duties of a Program Co-ordinator are many.
Following is a list of the duties and responsibilities that may be expected of the Coordinator.
- The main liaison between the Volunteer Board and the Law Enforcement community.
- Deals with the tipsters, and then works with the investigators to ensure the tip is followed up and properly handled.
- Deals with media personnel to ensure the reenactments, crime of the week, and fugitive programs are handled correctly, as well as publicized properly.
- Writes scripts, obtains locations, and people to produce the reenactment.
- Writes the script for the Crime of the Week, and gives voice bites to the radio stations.
- Presents cases to the Board of Directors for payments.
- Fields calls regarding the operation of the program, and explains how funding is provided.
- Assists the Board of Directors with any project they are involved with when time permits.
- Makes presentations to civic groups, schools, and any other people who ask for a speaker. The rule we like to impress on all Co-ordinators, is that presentations are to be made as a team, a member of the Board accompanied by the Co-ordinator.
- Compiles all statistics for the program.
- Works with all other programs in the community to promote a positive relationship between Crime Stoppers and the community.
- Maintains security of the TIPS, and ensure the anonymity of each caller.
- Deals with other Crime Stopper programs on a local, national, and international level.
- Spokesperson for the program.
- The Programs Co-ordinator IS NOT a voting member of the Board of Directors.